High Temperature Ceramic K-type Thermocouples
Here we offer a range of high temperature ceramic k-type thermocouples. These have either a braided ceramic fiber insulation or alumina ceramic insulation elements. These very high temperature k-type thermocouple can measure up to 1370 °C or 2498 °F (with a suitable K-type thermocouple thermometer, such as our digital k-type thermometer DT1311 or DT1312).
A high temperature K-type thermocouple can be uses with your ceramic kiln, glass fusing kiln, high temperature furnace, metal melting furnace, high temperature ovens, for your forge, crucible or other metal working setup.
K-Type Thermocouple Wire Digital Thermometer High Temperature Kiln Oven PK-1000 65 ft
MN Measurement Instruments™
USD169.99K-Type Thermocouple PK-1000 65 ft for Digital Thermometer - 1 thermocouple with high temperature mineral fiber insulation - - extra long 65 ft, 20 meter, 2000 cm - -58 to 1832°F (-50 to 1000°C) This...USD169.99